Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas and Guns (Politics free! Unlike your soda)

Christmas break was another enjoyable time spent with family. Instead of 12 days of Christmas, I believe we had 13 days of it! Here are a few of the highlights.
 1.  Getting woke up on a day off to the angelic music of Cherubs.
 2. Creating angelic music for some elderly friends in the nursing home.
 2. (Continued) Actually, I entirely lost my voice the day before so there may have been a little "Ron White" timbre in the background instead of angelic choruses.
 3. Riding in the "Family Bus" on our caroling tour.
 4.  Unrestricted boys in a large moving projectile/RV. (Don't tell the deputy)
 6.  Ping Pong all along. 
 7.  7 degree (F) wake up calls at 7 am by our 7 month (+15 months) coughing kid.
8.  Shooting a photographer in the wild.
 9.  Shooting evidence of a shooter!
 10.  Target practice on snowballs.  If it ever comes down to a live or die snowball fight....
 11.  More guns!  Guns are as much a part of our family entertainment and enjoyment as some people's dogs are.  When you get the chance to shoot clay pigeons, give it a shot!
 12. My North Face model sister. 
13.  Brother in laws are a good thing.  Glad I had awesome sister's so they could marry great guys who I would mind-meld with.

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