Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cabin Macho Stuff

Traditionally, things that happen annually for many years become tradition.  I'm hoping this thing becomes that: The Cabin Macho Guys Camp-out
This was the second time dad, the brother-in-laws (1 cuz included), and I spent a November night at "The Cabin" doing "Manly Stuff" like eating raw steak, spicy hot-sauce, and sardines.

 When dad cooks steak, you can always count on two things: The steak will be beyond excellent and it will be as rare as hens teeth.

It may become mandatory to bring a headlight for the midnight hike with guns so as we don't have any more close calls mistaking our own group for a pack of wild men.

This picture was taken at about 10:00 pm under a full moon.  The 5 second exposure makes it look like daylight and reminds me of this joke: A photon checks into a hotel and the barhop asks "Do you have any luggage?" The photon responds "Nope, I'm traveling light."  Find the delivery of it here.

Another night time day time photo.  The cabin looks nice bathed in moonlight!

Seven Christians walk into a cabin and begin playing poker.....could be the start of a joke.  My skill at poker is probably funnier than that joke would be.  Those pennies took off faster than a buck in rut.

Speaking of a buck in rut, this guy grabbed the bull by its horns and took a Louisiana Hot Sauce Sardine to the throat.  Didn't even flinch. 

This photo exists because my skills at poker are, by comparison, as good as a T-Rex in a sit-and-reach contest. First one out takes pictures.
Mr. Landis visited us during the week and joined the guys for our night at the cabin.  He's a swell guy so don't judge him wrongly just because he looks like a homeless college student.

All in all, it was an awesome evening and the boys and I can't forget to thank our lovely wives who slaved away in a climate controlled house with a plethora of children demanding their precious attention all evening.  Thanks for the time ladies and maybe someday you'll get some shopping in or pedicures or hair-dos or honey-dos done.

And here's another young buck taking the sardine challenge.

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