Sunday, July 7, 2013

June means "Harvest"

June is possibly the most anticipated month of the year in our house due to several reasons: 
   1) June means freedom from school.
   2) June means outdoor work on the farm.
   3) June means "Harvest" which may seem like hard work, but it's always a joy to participate.
   4) June means camping.
   5) June means swimming.
   6) June means fishing.
   7) June means Family.
I personally think the last reason is best since we love to share what we enjoy and all of the prior reasons are merely enjoyable opportunities to share with one another.

Here are a few highlights from June 2013.

One does not simply swathe into Brome-grass.  Breakdowns and field fix-its are almost traditional.

Why yes, that is a dashing young prince dashing through the pristine waters of the pasture pond.

 There's another prince, just waiting for his princess to show up.

 Family: Father's day at the cabin.

 Moonlight and sunset fishing.


 Summer Solstice moon, aka; Super moon on June 23rd. (The actual solstice is the 21st)

 Harvest began under the threat of rain, but it was idle.

 Beautiful harvest scenery.

 Harvesting goes on no matter what time of day it is.  This is a post-supper run.

 Greater threat of rain during harvest, but still idle.  It went around every field of ours so we could keep cutting.

 Boys and adults love combines.

Family: Lunch and Supper have been traditionally held in the harvest fields for generations. We continue to support family tradition.

 Mr. Lance  +Lance Powell inspecting the grain for weevils and fungi.  He has quite the knack for spotting inconsistencies in the matrix.

 Sunset shadows on clean-cut wheat make some interesting patterns.

A lovely pair  +Rachel Powell and +Lance Powell helped us get close to finished on a Saturday night.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. Those pics are great, Jacob. Thanks for sharing. I know Drew's gotten to do harvest, but sometime I'd love to come out and help too.
