Sunday, April 19, 2015

CBDR and Father-Son camping Trip Part 2

CBDR Part 2
The following is primarily picture documentation with a few explanations.  
Day 2 began with a hike up to the Fulford Cave after some breakfast.

Warming up.

This cave was pretty crazy.  It had two entrances; a natural one with a 30ft-ish drop straight down, or this man-made culvert that basically descended into pitch darkness.

 There's David, fearlessly taking the lead.  I had serious doubts about going into a confined space where I couldn't see the end, but when my 5 year old son hopped in with no hesitation, I had to go along for support.

 It was chilly in there.  Ice formations were all over the floor.
Awesome formations on the walls. 

As you can tell from the above picture, Gabe was ready to be out of there after 30 minutes underground.  I couldn't blame him.

The guys got off to a good day's worth of riding after the caving experience.  The weather was beautiful that morning. 

 The 2nd day of trails took the guys through a lot of sage-brush looking terrain. 

We met up near a prime rafting/tubing area and Gabe got in his one swim of the trip.  He loves swimming.

 Taking a break along the creek.
 The next section of trail was fit for my 2 wheel drive truck to travel.  I wasn't so sure about it at first, but it was just wide enough and smooth enough for us to make it.  The scenery was beautiful.
 Notice the clouds forming up again?

There was nothing to be done but go through this stream at the end of a long, slow trail.  I wasn't sure we would make it across.  Fortunately, it wasn't like a muddy Kansas stream, and the pebbly bottom held us up.  The only problem was that my electric windows wouldn't go back up afterward.  Then it started to rain!
After the last section, we decided to stop at a tiny town and get dry/filled up.  Can't remember the name of this little diner, but it had delicious soup and jalepeno hashbrowns.  Gabe opted for the cheesy broccoli.

Made it to our next camping spot for night number 2.  As you can tell from the rain gear, it started raining about as soon as we got set up. 
 A really tired little guy.  He asked to lay down at 7:00pm and fell to sleep immediately!
 Rained all night.  No bears though!