Saturday, September 27, 2014

Impromtu Swing and a Funny Sad Baby. :(

The back yard at our new place has lacked kid friendly activities since we've been here, and because the kids have been asking for a swing, I decided it was time to take action.  However, I didn't want to buy a new rope and board so we looked around the garage for available resources.  We had a 12 ft nylon rope used to pull sleds, and an old tractor tire tube we'd used at the lake for floating on.  Our tree had some great branches for a 50 ft rope, but only 1 long, low hanging branch for a short rope.  So, due to limitations of resources and time (Those kids really wanted a swing; yesterday!"), we ended up with a swing that became more fun than I would have planned given more time and resources.  The kids loved it and it has held up surprisingly well!  The low hanging limb sways in perfect rhythm with a the big circular motion (Somewhat like a teather-ball) of the swing.  Here's a quick video of some fun we had after the swing went up.

As a bonus, here's a funny (maybe sad if it's not your kid) video of our youngest family member putting on his best sad face........because of the piano.   And we thought we'd have musical kids?
The End.